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更新時間:2022-04-24      瀏覽次數:1213



祝賀我司客戶的優(yōu)質研究成果被國際期刊《Clinical Rheumatology》收錄


Human IL-34 ELISA KIT(Xinfan Biotechology Co.,Ltd,shanghai,China)

Human TNF-a  ELISA KIT(Xinfan Biotechology Co.,Ltd,shanghai,China)

Human IL-6 ELISA KIT(Xinfan Biotechology Co.,Ltd,shanghai,China)

Human IL-8 ELISA KIT(Xinfan Biotechology Co.,Ltd,shanghai,China)

Human MMP-3  ELISA KIT(Xinfan Biotechology Co.,Ltd,shanghai,China)





該論文標題: Predictors of response to TNFα antagonist therapy in Chinese rheumatoid arthritis
Clinical Rheumatology

期刊號:Issue 7, pp 1203–1210

老師在論文后期編輯過程中與我們積極互動,信帆生物給予了支持,最終順利被《Clinical Rheumatology》錄用。


《Clinical Rheumatology》期刊介紹:
Clinical Rheumatology is an international journal devoted to publishing in the English language original clinical investigation and research in the general field of rheumatology with accent on clinical aspects at postgraduate level. Studies carried out anywhere in the world will be considered the basic criterion for acceptance being the medical and scientific standard of the work described.



This study aimed to investigate the clinical, immunological, and radiologic predictors of response to tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α antagonist therapy in Chinese rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Ninety RA patients were divided into two groups according to their responsiveness to TNF-α antagonist therapy at 1 month: group A (responders) and group B (non-responders). After 3 months of therapy, all the 90 patients were re-assessed and re-divided into another two groups: group C (responders) and group D (non-responders). Serum samples and clinical characteristics as well as radiographic features were collected at baseline, first month, and third month post-initial administration of TNF-α antagonist. Serum TNF-α, interleukin (IL)-6, IL-8, IL-34, and matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-3 were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Disease activity and Sharp score were evaluated. (1) Comparisons between groups A and B: subjects in group A showed a lower level of erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and a higher level of albumin (ALB) at baseline than that of group B (p?<?0.05). The cutoff value of ALB for prediction was ≥34.9 g/l and that of ESR was ≤55.5 mm/h. (2) Comparisons between groups C and D: group C showed lower levels of ESR, health assessment questionnaire (HAQ), and IL-34 at baseline (p?<?0.05). The threshold for prediction were as follows: ESR ≤60 mm/h, HAQ ≤1.3125, and IL-34 ≤194.12 pg/ml. (3) The serum cytokines were positively correlated with C-reactive protein (CRP) and disease activity index, while ALB was negatively correlated with CRP and disease activity. Baseline ALB ≥34.9 g/l or ESR ≤55.5 mm/h might predict a good response at 1-month treatment of TNF-α antagonist, while baseline ESR ≤60 mm/h, HAQ ≤1.3125, and IL-34 ≤194.12 pg/ml might predict a good response at 3-month treatment.






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